Saturday, June 5, 2010

Baby Boy Meyer's Nursery

Once we knew the baby is going to be a boy, Timmy and I decided his nursery had to be train themed. We, all four of us, have worked have worked hard on decorating it and getting it ready. Aside from setting up linens etc, I think we are basically decorated! This was the first time I've had the cricut to use on a did it open up tremendous possibilities!

I made custom curtain rods from wood dowels that I painted white. I painted wood trains and used those for the curtain rod holders...I did white trim to look like stitching on those using my Sakura gel pen. It worked awesome on wood with acrylic paint!

Above the bedroom door

I couldn't find a sign like this that I liked on the cricut, so I made my own with cricut letters and white Contact Paper. Also the tracks you see, circle the entire room. I initially was going to do them with vinyl...but that was cost prohibitive and frankly kinda ugly. So I hand painted these instead and am quite happy with the result! Can't beat $2 for the bottle of paint!

Each of my kids have a verse hanging up in their room that I created on the cricut. Again this is just Contact much cheaper than Cricut vinyl! I was inspired by a scrapping friend, Amy, to tie this verse into the room! You can also see a couple more of the curtain rod holders...I did each one a different color.

Got the sign off of the Going Places cartridge. I used Contact paper for the background and regular Black Cardstock for the black part.

I made a five car lenth train because I wanted to spell out Meyer on it. Timmy picked the colors and it turned out pretty well. For each of these I cut using the Blackout feature and then used Cardstock for the colored parts. I made sure the paper I used was fadeproof.

This is a closeup of the engine train, I did a white trim on all these too to look like sewing.

I think I am done with the decorating part for now. I've got some more ideas, but those will have to wait until we meet the little peanut and give him a name!


Anonymous said...


scrappingnomad said...

What a cute room!!!!!!!!!!! I had a great time decorating my daughter's room before she was born - we didn't know she was going to be a girl, so we went with yellow colours and a giraffe theme! Now she wants a princess room, we'll go for that when we move!

Lisa B said...

This is adorable! I have been in my house for 3 years and not one room is decorated yet. Yikes!

The room is adorable!!!!! Don't know where you found the time!

h_borgers said...

This is soooooo perfect! You are so creative & I think you did an awesome job. I wish I could be 1/4 the creative person you are. Great!!!

"The Menu Mom" said...

It is great! Love it!

Sasya said...

WOW, Christine, it looks so nice!! :)

Heidi Mattessich said...

Wow! This is so cute! Well done :)

Corinna Lyons-Revello said...

Wow, Christine, this is fabulous! Cutest boy's room ever!


Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

I love his nursery! The blue walls are gorgeous and the Timmy did a fantastic job thinking up the train theme! Love it!
It appears all is ready and awaiting new baby!
Kim xXx

Joanne Jay said...

Incredible...lucky Meyer.

Sandi Clarkson said...

Aw, what a cute room! Amazing what our little Cricut's can do for us! Hope all is well with you!

Random Acts of Krafting said...

This is super fantastic. What a fun room. Hope all is well.


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