
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Treasure This Time Tuesday: Capturing the Two Year Old

Two is one of my favorite ages so far.  I know that makes me in the minority for a lot of moms! Two years olds change so much from month to month - this little guy is probably the easiest to have new material on! I took pictures this month that weren't posed - just sneaking up on him to catch his true personality.  Thankfully he sat still for a few minutes this month :)

I recently picked up the new Jack line from Echo Park knowing that I needed more boy supplies for scrapping.  Creating this feature each week and being forced to make sure I am doing boy stuff regularly has definitely made me realize my boy supplies are a little low!  Good excuse for new stuff or to get real creative I guess!  

Because I am running low on time this week I went very clean and simple this week.  I added layers of paper behind the pictures to bring in some of the colors he's wearing and other masculine colors.  I then just simply created two clusters of stickers and other embellishments.  My journaling went right below the picture with a few of the little details that I want to remember about Bo from February.  I love a complicated and detailed layout but I also love something that comes together clean and simple and quick!

Supplies Used:
Patterned Paper: Echo Park
Stickers: Echo Park
Enamel Dots: Simple Stories
Wood: Studio Calico