
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Treasure this Time Tuesday: The Four Year Old and this month's challenges!

So my four year old, well, he's been a challenge lately.  Moody, irritable, grumpy...very unlike who we've grown accustomed to.  So this week's Treasure this Time was a bit of a challenge.  Like, I kept crying while I made it challenge.  We've made some good progress with him since I made this but it's still a little less happy of a layout than the others so far have been.  And that is okay with me - life isn't always easy and I don't want the kids to look back on their layouts and think they were angels and never gave us trouble...I want them to know that we loved them thru the hard times and came out on the other side.  So here it is an authentic layout about my four year old.

As I was creating this, I realized my stash is beginning to dwindle for good boy stuff.  I added some to it from The Scrapbooking Studio today but if you have some boy lines you've loved - do share the info with me! I ended up using an older Fancy Pants line and some other odds and ends. I added the patterned paper square to the already fabulous base that had the frame on it.  I then did a cross of patterned papers before topping it with my picture.  I like the way the cross draws the eye in and I will definitely be doing that again.  Simple embellishments of stickers and wood going diagonally from one corner to the next made for quick embellishing!

Supplies Used:
Patterned Paper: Fancy Pants
Stickers: Jillibean Soup, Bella Blvd, & Simple Stories


  1. Love this bright and vibrant layout and that photo of him! Hope things get better soon!

  2. Ahhh - I remember when my son was four. He was so sweet one day, and then quite the opposite on another day. It's the way they grow and learn, I think - testing boundaries and pushing limits. But you're right, we love them through it all!! Wonderful layout!
