
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Collage Sunshine Layout - Paper House Productions

Today I have one of my favorite layouts that I have ever created to share!  Paper House Productions has a new and fabulous line called Cork'd.  They are cork stickers that have themes and are a mixture of colored and plain cork.  I absolutely LOVE them and used them in a big way on my layout today!  

Melinda Spinks has long been one the people I look to for inspiration - she has such a unique style and comes up with lots of brilliant ideas.  She has done several collage items over the past year (or so) and I wanted to give it a whirl with my own style and Paper House Cork'd stickers.  
First I lightly traced an 8 ½ inch circle onto the center of my paper.  I then laid out where my picture would go. From there I started with putting in my biggest cork pieces so there was some strategic design placement to them.

I then filled in around it with smaller Cork’d stickers. One tip I have is to try to have parts of stickers touching around a lot of the edge of the circle so that it keeps clear that it is a circle.

I used my die cut machine to cut out a cardstock sunshine border and title.  I kept those bright to match up with the theme of the layout and made the title spread out so it would have that whimsical feeling to it!

The supply list for which Cork'd Stickers I used is available on this link

AND you definitely want to head there and enter this giveaway for ALL of the Cork'd Stickers!


  1. Fabulous layout!! LOVe what you did!! Pinning!!!

  2. OMG - that looks amazing! How did you place all those embellishments so perfectly?
