
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Adornit Guest Designer Days 1-5 and a Giveaway!

This week I am the featured guest designer at Adornit!
Each day I will be adding a new project to this post so be sure to check back!
I will be sharing projects all week both here and on their blog! I love their paper crafting collections and am thrilled to be sharing what I created!  They supplied me with two new collections: Rhapsody Bop and You & Me.

Day One:
Today I have a layout using Rhapsody Bop:
The colors of Rhapsody Bop are a beautiful mix of vibrant and soft - a combination that comes together perfectly for little girl layouts!  I absolutely loved this floral patterned paper and knew I wanted to use it in a big way so I made it the base of my layout.  Because of the brightness of that paper I went much more subtle for the center using a light polka dot pattern to anchor my black and white pictures.  I cut out and stitched on a large white heart to surround the pictures.  Embellishing was made easy by using coordinating die cuts and clear stickers

Day Two:
Since I did one vibrant project already with Rhapsody Bop I thought it would be nice to do one with the softer colors. 
 The border printed on this patterned paper is beautiful and makes for an easy start to the layout.  I added a border sticker above it and then built the heart of my layout above it.  I opted for just one picture because I had already used up so much space. I built clusters of embellishments around the picture as well as adding an area for journaling.

Day Three:
This card just kind of fell into my lap as I was playing with the scraps of You & Me!  You & Me is another new collection from Adornit.  I laid the marquee die cut on top of one of the pocket page elements that I had cut out and it fit on there so perfectly, I knew i had to use it!  Adding it to a base and embellishing with fussy cut flowers made for a quick but striking card.

As I mentioned with my layout, I really loved that floral patterned paper from Rhapsody Bop so I wanted to use it again on a card.  As I was contemplating what I wanted to do I noticed that one of the clear stickers looked like it would fit on a wood piece.  As you can see it wasn't 100% exact but close enough that it adds some thing unique to the wood and makes a great focal point on the card.

Day Four:
I love to make Altered Embroidery Hoops and hang them around the house.  Mine always include pictures and this was no different.  I haven't made one yet of my hubby and I so I made use of "You & Me" to create one!  I love the look of the clear stickers layered onto the print background so you can see both elements.  I made use of stickers, die cuts, and wood also on this!

Today is my last day guest designing at Adornit and I have one last layout to share that uses the You & Me collection.
I didn't have very many pictures of me and my hubby from recent days so this was a perfect opportunity to do a quick little photo shoot so I could create a pretty layout about our 14th year of marriage. For this layout I really focused my embellishing on the wood pieces.  For the title pieces, I painted them half black and left them half natural.  I had recently seen Stephanie Buice  do something similar on chipboard and thought it would work neat on wood too!  For the rest of my wood I colored the pieces and then decorated them with a fine tip black marker. I love how wood gives you some freedom to play with a variety of mediums to decorate!  The clear stickers on this patterned paper really pop too!

Adornit has been generous enough to let me host a giveaway of the Rhapsody Bop collection to one of my readers!  Here's how you can enter:

You can do either or both of the following to enter:
1) Become a follower here
2) Like my Scrapping with Christine facebook page
And lastly leave me a comment to let me know which you have done! As I am adding to this post each day of the guest designing gig - you are welcome to comment each day!

This giveaway will be open on all my guest designer posts with them this week so make sure to check back!

This giveaway will remain open until 11:59 pm on October 1st!  I will announce a winner within a couple days!  And if you are interested in checking out one more blog hop I am in that also has a giveaway, click here!


  1. I "like" your FB page.

  2. Beautiful layout,
    so love the colors
    in this collection.
    I'm a follower of
    your blog, for some
    time now!
    Carla from Utah

  3. I also follow
    and like your
    FB page! Congrats
    on being the guest
    on Adorn this week!
    Carla from Utah

  4. What an adorable layout! Just love all the elements you put into it such as the heart, stitching, etc. I am a follower of your blog! Thanks for the opportunity!!

  5. great layout! congrats on guest designer! Adornit is a wonderful company! I am already a follower of your blog and fb page (Alicia O). thanks!

  6. Very sweet layout. I like the floral paper and the big heart.
    I am a follower.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  7. I am a follower via email and a FB fan, very neat and great colors, love all the patterns!

  8. I follow you via email subscription as well as on Facebook. Love learning so many new techniques!

  9. I don't know if I can comment again - but I love the color of Day two's page. It's kind of a blue/violet and it is so pretty. The layout is beautiful. Not overly-fussy.
    thanks for sharing another great page.

  10. I like your facebook page. I would love to win for my mom for christmas!

  11. Beautiful layouts, as usual :) I'm loving that big heart frame!! I've tagged you for the scrap room tour blog hop. You can see it here...
    I'm excited to see your space, and hear about your process!

  12. I follow your posts thru e-mail.

  13. Loving all your
    creations this
    week. Love the
    birdcage with
    the bird!
    Carla from Utah

  14. I'm a follower on
    both your blog
    and FB!
    Carla from Utah

  15. Dropping in a comment
    for Day Two! Very
    sweet layout and
    all the elements
    on it are lovely.
    Carla from Utah

  16. I follow via GFC. The layouts are super cute! Love them.

  17. all of your projects are amazing but I really really love that layout on the embroidery hoop! Wow!
    Beautiful papers and design

  18. Following by email and already a FB fan of yours!

  19. I just became a follower. I love everything you did here!

  20. I am following on Google and I am loving all your beautiful projects!

  21. I am already a follower of your blog and facebook. Love your work! Thanks for the inspiration once again!

  22. liked your Facebook page as loralei carr

  23. Blog follower
    Shelly Leatham

  24. Like you on FB
    Shelly Emmons Leatham

  25. I like you on fb as billsn beaks

  26. I liked you on facebook- serenity storm
    and followed you here- Roberta Mason

  27. I am a FB young daughter and I have just started scrapbooking together and it is so much fun. What a great way to make (and preserve) memories!

  28. I have been reading you on Facebook and I am now following your blog on GFC too!

  29. Email subscriber and a facebook follower.

  30. I have "LIKED" your Facebook page for quite awhile now :) Thank you for offering such an awesome giveaway!

  31. Awesome ideas and I love adornit stuff!

  32. I am an GFC follower

  33. So cute! I followed you through Google Friend Connect!

  34. Beautiful layouts. I liked your Facebook page!

  35. Oh, I'm also now following you!

  36. I like u on fb (anne dall)
    annejk112233 at yahoo dot com

  37. I follow u via gfc (annejk112233)
    annejk112233 at yahoo dot com

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I am a follower via GFC: Megan Parsons
    makeighleekyleigh at yahoo dot com

  40. I likw your FB page as timothy jay.

  41. I'm following by email -
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  42. I'm following via Facebook as Kim Reid
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  43. Following through
    email : teachinmomma123abc at yahoo
    pinterest : teachinmomma123
    instagram : teachinmomma123
    gfc : Linda Bradshaw

  44. Liked my Scrapping with Christine facebook page. Linda Bradshaw

  45. Awesome work with their collection Christine!
